Weekly "Enemy of America"
This is our first weekly award for the title of "Enemy of America." This week, we have a tie. The losers in every sense of the word are:
Bill Clinton, and, the national media.
I realize Bill Clinton and the national media could win each week, but they've been especially bad in the last week in giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Disgraced former President Clinton publicly stated in a speech that he felt "...we (America) could not win the war in Iraq." Revealing his lack of military knowledge, lack of diplomacy, lack of world affairs, and lack of understanding the threat we face, he may end up "Enemy of America" of the year.
Foreign readers, and terrorists, should understand Clinton's motivation is to become the U.N. General Secretary - as if the U.N. was not already corrupt enough! Pandering to the world will only cost lives, Slick Willie.
The National Media also won this week as "Enemy of America" for not covering President Bush's Churchillian speech about the progress in the war on terror. The president revealed some successes our intelligence agencies have achieved in preventing terrorist attacks. Also thanks to our military who captured (and killed) some of the dirtbags who threatened America and the civilized world.
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy through false hope is despicable, especially from those who should know better. Rest assured, terrorists, America will not waver or falter until every one of you who thinks the way you do and is willing to act on your perverted beliefs is killed or captured. The naysayers are loud, but a distinct minority in America. Listen to them at your own demise.