Saturday, February 24, 2007


Duke University Lacrosse Team Makes Triumphant Return to Playing Field.

Where are all the Femi-Nazis who demanded the accused players admit to crimes they did not commit? Did their former coach get his job back? No.

The lieberal university professors at Duke were unrepentant in regards to their open letter of hostility to the falsely accused white kids.

Meanwhile, the only justice apparent in this case is it seems former prosecutor Mike Nifong will lose his law license. Hopefully, he will received jail time. We suspect his false prosecution ploy to obtain the black vote will not help him in prison.

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World Climatologists: "Gore Full Of It And Wrong"

February 23, 2007 6:30 AM National Review Online

Inconvenient Truths
Novel science fiction on global warming.

By Patrick J. Michaels

This Sunday, Al Gore will probably win an Academy Award for his global-warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth, a riveting work of science fiction.

The main point of the movie is that, unless we do something very serious, very soon about carbon dioxide emissions, much of Greenland’s 630,000 cubic miles of ice is going to fall into the ocean, raising sea levels over twenty feet by the year 2100.

Where’s the scientific support for this claim? Certainly not in the recent Policymaker’s Summary from the United Nations’ much anticipated compendium on climate change. Under the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s medium-range emission scenario for greenhouse gases, a rise in sea level of between 8 and 17 inches is predicted by 2100. Gore’s film exaggerates the rise by about 2,000 percent.

Balance of article here:

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Iran Scared

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran said Saturday that the United States was not in a position to take military action against it and urged Washington and its allies to engage in dialogue.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters Saturday "We do not see America in a position to impose another crisis on its tax payers inside America by starting another war in the region."

Oh, now that there are air craft carriers in the Gulf with at least one more on the way and with U.S. troops on all sides of Iran, now they want to talk?

Talking, to them, is a way to stall for time. The UN inspectors just found that Iran was in violation in regards to their nuclear program. Some naive people will continue to demand that the U.S. talks to Iran.

Iran believes the leftists' propaganda that we are too heavily extended. Dream again, Iran. At the minimum we can attack with cruise missiles, fighters, bombers, and the navy's big guns from destroyers. A well-timed cruise missile, and little Hitler is gone and the course of History is returned to peace.

Think carefully, Iran.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

US Seniors Kill Costa Rican Mugger In Self Defense

Apparently the lessons of 9.11 have been learned even by American senior citizens...

By MARIANELA JIMENEZ Associate Press Writer

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) -- A tour bus of U.S. senior citizens defended themselves against a group of alleged muggers, sending two of them fleeing and killing a third in the Atlantic coast city of Limon, police said on Thursday.

One of the tourists, a retired member of the U.S. military aged about 70, put assailant Warner Segura in a head lock and broke his clavicle after the 20-year-old and two other men armed with a knife and gun held up their tour bus Wednesday, said Luis Hernandez, the police chief of Limon, 80 miles east of San Jose.

The two other men fled when the 12 senior citizens started defending themselves. The tourists then drove Segura to the Red Cross where the man was declared dead. The Red Cross also treated one of the tourists for an anxiety attack, Hernandez said.

Balance of story in link:

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Cheney: "I'm not backing down" to Pelosi

Following is the full text and link to a article from the Associated Presss.

Vice president Cheney is too kind, I not only question Pelosi and Murtha's judgement, but also their allegiance and patriotism.

Cheney: I Question Pelosi's Policy Judgment

Vice President Dick Cheney refused Friday to take back his charge that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's opposition to President Bush's Iraq war buildup is playing into the hands of the al-Qaida terrorist network.

"If you're going to advocate a course of action that basically is withdrawal of our forces from Iraq, then you don't get to just do the fun part of that, that says, 'We'll, we're going to get out,' and appeal to your constituents on that basis," Cheney said.

The vice president had voiced the same criticism of Pelosi earlier this week during a visit to Japan, and the California Democrat accused the vice president of questioning her patriotism, saying she was going to call President Bush directly with her complaint.

"I hope the president will repudiate and distance himself from the vice president's remarks," Pelosi said. She ended up talking with White House chief of staff Josh Bolten instead of Bush.

The long-distance quarrel began in Tokyo, where Cheney earlier this week used an interview to criticize Pelosi and Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., over their plan to place restrictions on Bush's request for an additional $93 billion for the Iraq war to make it difficult or impossible to send 21,500 extra troops to Iraq.

During Friday's interview in Sydney, Cheney said, "I'm not sure what part of it is that Nancy disagreed with. She accused me of questioning her patriotism. I didn't question her patriotism. I questioned her judgment."

"You also have to be accountable for the results. What are the consequences of that? What happens if we withdraw from Iraq?," he said. "And the point I made and I'll make it again is that al-Qaida functions on the basis that they think they can break our will. That's their fundamental underlying strategy, that if they can kill enough Americans or cause enough havoc, create enough chaos in Iraq, then we'll quit and go home. And my statement was that if we adopt the Pelosi policy, that then we will validate the strategy of al-Qaida. I said it and I meant it."

Asked if he was willing to take back his criticism of Pelosi, Cheney replied, "I'm not backing down."

© 2007 Associated Press.

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Hillary's Second Presidential Term

Hillary was recently quoted "I want personal health care by the end of my second term." The context appeared to be the end of her second presidential term, not her senate term.

Two problems are obvious:

1) Hillarycare will return. Remember the arrogance and hidden meetings in 1992 when Hillary and Ira Magaziner tried to bring massive socialism to America? It will be worse this time.

2) Hillary, I don't know how to break it to you, but you have to first be elected before you can have a second term. You can't be appointed and you certainly can't be crowned president. You are not entitled to being elected, you have to earn it. I think most Americans agree that you will never be president.

Go back and stand by your man.

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More Mystery Weapons Found

Another mystery weapon was found in Iraq. A mysterious green cantaloupe-sized metal ball with an unknown firing device, found in 2005 by GIs and a freelance journalist in Mosul, Iraq, is confounding weapons experts trying to pinpoint its origin.

If anyone knows what this weapon is and who made it, I am sure there are people who would want to talk to you.

Photo by Michael Yon/

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Exclusive: Global Warming Creates Zombies!!!

This photo depicts a zombie created by global warming. Don't let this happen to you!

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Al Gore Discredits Oscar Awards

Not only does Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth conveniently lie and distort, but his mockumentary should not even be up for an Oscar nomination according to Oscar rules. Politics discredited the Grammys in the Dixie Chicks' case. The Nobel Peace Prize was discredited in Jimmy Carter and Yassar Arafat's cases, and now, the Oscars are discredited by politics.

Frankly, even if there were global warming, polar bears are man-killers and it's more convenient to see them in zoos than go to the North Pole to see them.

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John Edwards' Wife Is Stupid

John Edwards lives in a 29,000 sq. ft. home, certainly at the top of his "Two America's." The Raleigh, NC News and Observer did a story on the Edwards' massive home.

The interviewer said a question had arisen as to any contradiction (no, liberals would not be hypocrites! - ed) between their home big enough for 25 married couples with children and Edwards' pledge to reduce poverty and help the working poor. (what about the poor who have no jobs? -ed)

Mrs. Edwards said the 29,000-square-foot residence is a family home where they will live lives "not unlike our lives in smaller quarters for over 30 years, starting with John's apartment."


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You Get Out What You Putin

Russian president Putin, while keeping us guessing as to whether Ivanov or Medvedev will be his successor (perhaps he is keeping them guessing too, Ala Joseph Stalin - perhaps neither will survive), apparently encouraged one of his generals to saber rattle against the west. This in response to the plans of the United States to place an anti-missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. The missile shield is intended as a defense against missiles from the Middle East and are no threat to Russia.

While not returning entirely to cold war rhetoric and belligerence, Russia in recent years under Putin has pushed the envelope.

No more do western Europeans view those in eastern Europe with experience under Russian (Soviet) rule as paranoid. The assassination of Litvinenko and Russia's new economic weapon, natural gas have awakened those in the west to the threat from the east.

Russia probably feels inferior in regards to this missile defense system. They believed the American leftists' propaganda calling Ronald Reagan crazy for his Star Wars plan and apparently did not develop their own effective missile shields. They also miss the days of being a superpower.

Although we need to pay attention to Russia and work with them as allies, Putin is not a person we can absolutely trust. Putin was trained to evade lie detectors. The president should receive no criticism for his early trust of Putin. Putin would likely be able to deceive nearly anyone.

Russia is not in a position to attack militarily other than in a nuclear conflict but with their resources, they must be taken seriously and dealt with. The Russian General's statements drove Poland and the Czech Republic to us as a stronger ally. The missile defense shield should go ahead as planned.

Президент России Путин , сохраняя нас в догадках о том, как Иванов или Медведев будут его преемника (возможно, он держит их в догадках слишком, Аля Иосиф Сталин, возможно, не выживут), рекомендуется как один из его генералов в saber укладывает на запад. Это в связи с планами США поставить противоракетной обороны в Польше экраном и Чехия. Щит играет роль защиты от ракет с Ближнего Востока и не являются угрозой для России.

Хотя и не совсем возвращение к риторике "холодной войны и военного противостояния России за последние годы при президенте Путине отодвинула конверт.

Нет более западных европейцев не считает в странах Восточной Европы, имеющих опыт работы в российских (советских), как правило параноиков. Литвиненко убийством и России новым экономическим оружием, природного газа преобразится в западном направлении угрозы с востока.

Россия, вероятно, считает ниже относительно этой ракетной оборонной системой. Они считают американских левых "пропагандой, требующие ума Рональда Рейгана за его план" звездных войн "и, очевидно, не имела собственных эффективных ракетных станках. Они также не хватать суток после его царством.

Несмотря на то, что мы должны обратить внимание на Россию и работать с ними как с союзниками, Путин не является лицом, мы можем абсолютно доверять. Путин обучался избежать ложь детекторов. Президент должен получать никакой критики для начала его доверием Путина. Путин, вероятно, смогут найти в заблуждение почти всех.

Россия не в состоянии нападать на других в военном отношении, чем в ядерный конфликт, но с их ресурсами, они должны быть серьезно изучены и рассмотрены. Российская секретаря, управлял Польшей и Чешской Республикой как на нас сильнее союзник. ПРО щит должен идти по плану.

"Support Troops" While Cutting Them Off At The Knees?

Imagine Chicago Bears fans saying "Da Bears are da best" but who then betted heavily on Indianapolis to win. Then the fans told the Chicago Bears while playing in the Super Bowl that they supported the team but betted on Indianapolis.

Imagine the morale of the Chicago Bears. Imagine the morale of the Bear's fans. Imagine how energized the Indianapolis team would be against the Bears.

Now, imagine the stakes were life and death and not some ball game. Imagine the stakes were the future (or no future when terrorists obtain nuclear devices) of our country.

Such are the literal stakes we face from opponents who do not make threats but promises. Their promises are to kill us. No one can say they support the troops and at the same time say they are going to underfund and undercut the troops. There is no consistency or truth to these statements. Not to mention the sheer number of lies and distortions directed against the president.

Our troops may overcome any morale problems created by these disingenuous statements, but our enemies will be strengthened.

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School's Anti-Muslim Literature IS Freedom Of Speech

The father of a North Carolina ninth grader who was given 'anti-Muslim' literature in class says the material handed out is not an issue of free speech, but of slander and defamation.

Read entire story below.

The father who is not a practicing muslim* states, "First of all, it slanders, things like, mohammed is a 'criminal,' is 'demon possessed' ... that just made my blood boil," said Triaq Butte," quoted in the FoxNews story below.

I don't know if mohammed was demon possessed although it's probable. He was a criminal and he was a terrorist and he did exhort his followers to commit murder. I'd say mohammed was an all around bad guy and a liar. If the devil exists, mohammed probably worked for him.

Get over it.

*We do not capitalize anything associated with islam until when and if they decide to rejoin the human race.,2933,253824,00.html

الاب لشمال كارولينا في الصف التاسع من منح مكافحة مسلم 'الادب فئة تقول المادة سلم الى انها ليست قضية حرية التعبير ، لكن من الافتراء والتشهير. نص كامل القصة. الاب الذي لا تمارس الدول الاسلامية "، أولا وقبل كل شيء ، هو الافتراءات الامور مثل محمد فالجناءيه '،' 'شيطان يملك... فقط الدم الذي يود تغلي" ان تل ترياك "نقلت في فوكسنيوس القصة. لا أدري إذا كان محمد شيطان وان كان لديها محتمل. انه مجرم ، وانه كان ارهابيا وانه لم حث اتباعه على القتل. يهمني ان محمد هو كل انحاء سيئ والرجل كاذب. اذا الشيطان موجود محمد ربما عمل له. الحصول على ذلك.

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Schools: Jesus bad, Homicide Bombers Good

This leaves us shaking our heads. We have heard reports from around the country of students coming to school for Halloween or other events dressed as homicide (some say suicide but they're really killing others) bombers. There was even one widely circulated photo of a female American college president smiling next to an arab* student dressed as a homicide bomber.

Other students as in this school come dressed as devils. Some come dressed as goblins or killers.

This Philadelphia area student came to school dressed as Jesus and was sent home.

*This blog does not capitalize anything associated with muslims or arabs until when and if they wish to join the human race and behave peacefully.

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Hillary Caught Bribing Two More Black Lawmakers

If Hillary were as good as she thought and if Hillary were as electable as her supporters suppose, she would not have to resort to bribing public officials.

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Americans Want U.S. And Allies To Win In Iraq

For those Democraps who falsely believe they were elected to embarrass the president and stab our troops in the back, several new polls including this IBD/TIPP Poll show Americans want to win in Iraq and still believe we can win. This despite the best efforts of the media to portray everything negative for the last three years.

For the one-issue Democraps who wish America to lose, you had better be sure there are no terrorist attacks between now and election day. You were not elected to lose the war. You were elected because many Republicans stayed home on the last election day in disgust at the last groups' spending habits.

The Party of FDR and Harry Truman is the Party that is on their fifth decade of helping America's enemies.

al-Qaida and Pakistan

It was reported that former U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, gave Pakistan's president Musharraf two options prior to the first Allied bombing runs in Afghanistan against al-Qaida. Either play ball and receive U.S. financial and military aid or be bombed back to the stone age.

Now that we know al-Qaida is reforming operations in Pakistan, perhaps it is time to either cut assistance to Mr. Musharraf or attack the al-Qaida bases in Pakistan.

al-Qaida propaganda tapes are now making their way to the west in a matter of days, not weeks or months as happened a few years ago.

Former U.S. National Intelligence Director John Negroponte stated that "from their leaders' (al-Qaida) secure hideout in Pakistan" they are overseeing operations in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. We may also surmise in America.

On the chance that Musharraf, for political reasons, seems to be helping us less than he is, attacking al-Qaida bases against his "protestations" would give him the political cover he needs. Ignoring the re-growth of al-Qaida is as negligent as a cancer patient ignoring an obvious growth.

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John Edwards Blows It Again

We are watching with amusement the Democraps who are running for president. Lost yesterday among the Hillary vs. Barack Hussein Osama Obama's slap-down bitchfist, was another example of why John "Pretty-Boy" Edwards will never be president.

Mr. Edwards, according to Variety columnist, Peter Bart, said at a Hollywood fundraiser that the state of Israel, in mulling the bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities, might be the greatest short-term threat to world peace.

Did I write this comment was made at a Hollywood fundraiser?

What ethnic group predominates in Hollywood, Mr. Edwards?

Needless to say, the fundraiser quickly shut down and rightfully so. Israel is a long-standing friend of the United States. Israel has to endure a lot with all of the nut job muslims surrounding her who deny the holocaust occurred or promises to annihilate Israel.

Funny that Democraps do not yet realize that any of their presidential candidates are not electable as president. All the more fun to watch their stunned faces post-election day.

In a further signal that Democraps in congress are out-of-touch, an Edwards spokesman said the former one-term senator "...believes..." " of the greatest short-term threats to world peace is Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon." Trial lawyer Edwards may want to inform the House and Senate Democraps of this.

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Rich, Better-educated muslims Are Terrorists

Per the link below to Investor's Business Daily outlining a Gallup Poll, it seems the American left was wrong again. Terrorists tend towards higher educated muslims* who come from more prosperous families. The myth, besides islam is a peaceful religion, was that terrorists were poor and / or dumb people who were easily manipulated.

Terrorists are simply reading what their perverted book called the koran (qu'ran) says to do; kill infidels. The poor couldn't read it. The rich or well-educated could read the terrorist muhammed's murderous directives for which they are following too well.

*It is the long-standing policy of this blog to not capitalize any word related to the corrupt, perverted, murderous religion some pagans refer to as islam.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Anna Nicole's Body Rapidly Decomposing

The Broward County Florida Medical Examiner today said it is imperative that the court hearing regarding the disposition of Anna Nicole Smith's body should be hurried as her body is rapidly decomposing making a public viewing impossible.

How could this happen? Her body is mostly silicon and botox.

Sorry, couldn't resist this.

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New York Times Article - David Geffen: Clintons Lie!!!!

"Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it’s troubling,” Geffen had said. This said from a person as left as they get.

This is getting good...

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More Military Deaths In Four Years Of Clinton Administration Than Iraq War

All deaths are tragic but particularly so the deaths of America's military personnel. The media has an obsession with each death but their purpose is to embarrass president Bush. To put things in perspective, please see the following link from Rush Limbaugh's web site based on an article from Alicia Colon in the New York Sun.

“The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133."

The Clinton years:
"1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime..."

The Carter years:
" will find that in 1980, which was the last year of the Carter administration, there were far more military deaths in 1980 than in any year of the Bush administration."

Remember, statistics or numbers have no value unless there is a unit of measurement or a comparison of data or both. We learn this in the first month of the first semester of statistics. Too bad members of the media were taking journalism classes while some of us took math and science classes. Such coursework also explains the global warming hysteria.

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Students Spit On Military Recruiters

We have disturbing reports that college students in the United States are spitting on military recruiters.

Spitting is not freedom of speech.

There are good conservatives on many campuses. Many students are liberal while they are students. After a few years of working and paying taxes, many liberals become conservatives.

For example, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat before he saw the light.

But spitting on anyone other than a child molester is uncalled for. Spitting on those who provide the freedoms allowing you to study in peace without being blown up is unforgivable. Spitters may be thankful military recruiters are better people than you will ever be.

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John Kerry's Plan For Iraq

John Kerry today announced his plan for Iraq. "We should withdraw before the war starts."

Just a little funny for the day.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jews Are Better Than muslims

We really like this cartoon. It explains everything so clearly.

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Female Pakistani Minister Murdered By islamic Nut

In another illustration that islamic people are crazy, a female Pakistani minister was murdered by a muslim. The muslim killer thought the minister was not dressed as a woman should. He also thought that women should not be involved in politics.

islam is not a valid religion and is followed by superstitious crazy people. muhammed, the founder of islam, was a terrorist who was also crazy believing he had some divine powers.

Such "great" examples for the so-called peaceful religion of islam.,2933,253125,00.html

The Religion Of Death: Jihad Jr.

They start children out early in islamic cultures. Children are taught to hate, to kill, and to die.

A disturbing video:

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Monday, February 19, 2007

muslims Kill More Innocents In Two Hours...

...Than American Criminals Executed In 65 Years.

Source here:

Lieberals (liberals) in America wail and gnash their teeth when a convicted criminal is executed but these same "people" seem to do everything they can to help terrorists kill more Americans. muslims* killed more innocent Americans in two hours on September 11th, than convicted and guilty American criminals were executed in 65 years.

*It is the policy of this blog to never capitalize islam or show respect to islam until muslimes** decide they wish to join humanity.

**"muslimes" was going to be typed correctly as "muslims" but the key slipped, and I like it! "muslime" seems more accurate than "muslim."

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Iranian "News" Agency Caught In Lie

Iran's Fars News Agency caught in a photoshop fabrication. See article attached.

How soon until the terrorists' allies in the U.S., the U.S. media use the same or a similar fabricated photo?

islam - made of liars.*

*editors note: we realize Iranians are Persians and thus a Farsi translation would have been appropriate except the message containing "liars" are for the arabic muslims who have perverted islam.

ران وفارس وكالة الانباء وتو قعوا في التلفيق. انظر المادة المرفقه. حتى متى الارهابيين حلفاء في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية في وسائل الاعلام هو نفس الصورة مفبركه؟ الاسلام الذي من كذابون.

* المحررين ملاحظه : ندرك الايرانيين الفرس وبالتالي الفارسيه ترجمة لو كان ما عدا الرسالة تتضمن "كذابون" العربية للمسلمين الذين اسلام منحرف.

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Another Muslim Hate Crime

A manic muslim* cabdriver from Somalia went on a rampage after getting into an argument over the false religion of islam. The two innocent passengers were students visiting Nashville and were engaged in an apparently harmless conversation about religion with the cabdriver.

Upon exiting the cab and paying their fare, the students attempted to leave peacefully. The cab driver put his car in gear, jumped a curb, and struck the innocent kids.

The beserk driver was arrested and charged with assault and attempted homicide. Police also discovered the license plates on his car were stolen. He was then charged with theft.

The cab driver committed a hate crime and further illustrating the false religion of islam, the driver demonstrated no morals as he had allegedly stole the license plates.

So much for the "peaceful" religion of islam.,2933,252783,00.html

*It is the policy of this blog to never capitalize islam, muslim, or koran (qu'ran).

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President's Day In the United States

Today is President's Day in the United States.

President's Day arose from the February birthdays of president Washington and president Lincoln. Now, it is celebrated (officially) for all presidents. Unfortunately, most Americans view this day as simply another day off of they're in government or banking.

From a historical perspective with a view of current politics, it's interesting to note that George Washington wished to join the British army as a young man. The British rejected him as not good enough.

We all know Continental General Washington proved the British wrong and eventually trapped Lord Cornwallis between the continental army and the French Navy.

General Washington became president Washington and is celebrated as the father of our country.

Abraham Lincoln was vilified in the north and the south. Hard to believe, but there were more vitriolic statements against president Lincoln than even president Bush today.

Likewise, even though we faced a terrible group of enemies in World War II, and the nation was more patriotic then, president Roosevelt faced harsh criticism at home.

Ronald Reagan was ridiculed and mocked. Now, with perspective, we view Roosevelt and Reagan as the greatest presidents of the last century. Ronald Reagan statues are being erected in cities and towns all over the former satellite countries of the Soviet Union such as Poland and the Czech Republic.

Today, we honor all presidents, past and current. To president Bush, history will view you favorably. Countries in the middle east will one day erect statues in your honor and American school children will learn of your presidency while most of the rest of us will respect your memory and honor the leadership you projected despite the best efforts of some to destroy your presidency.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Weekly Enemy Of America - 17 House Republicans

The Weekly Enemy Of America designation goes to all 17 Republican House of Representatives' members who voted with the traitor party to help the terrorists. We expect subversion and treasonous acts from the Democrat Party who are in their fifth decade of helping America's enemies, but for Republicans to vote this way is inexcusable.

Murtha announced in advance of the vote that they (the Democrat Party and their big money donors) were going to target vulnerable Republicans who did not vote with the Democrat Party for this resolution. This may explain why these RINOs (Republicans in name only) voted for the resolution.

Nothing is more important than our nation's defense and therefore, by extension, the support of our troops and contractors and support personnel.

If our troops and contractors on a daily basis risk their lives, is your job more important?


If our intelligence personnel risk their lives on a daily basis, then is your job more sacred?


Our domestic federal law enforcement agents spend extraordinary amounts of time in pursuit of domestic terrorists also at risk of their lives.

Our troops, contractors, intelligence personnel, and federal LEO's are away from their families for day's, week's, month's or longer. Some, never return.

Were your votes thought through in regards to how the world and our enemies would perceive your votes? It hardly seems so or you would not have voted for this resolution.

The only thing worse than the party of seemingly terrorist sympathizers and coddlers to vote for this resolution was for RINOs to vote for this resolution. For putting your jobs above your country, your troops, and your flag, you RINOs earned this Weekly Enemy Of America.

Below is a link to the House Roll Call Vote against the president's troop surge plan. We are obtaining the home states for each of these terrorism enablers.

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